Blog Post

Community is...

Maryton Carmel • August 31, 2019

...a Forest

With the vital role of forests in the survival of our planet very much in the news, we thought it might be appropriate to share this reflection with you.  It was written by one of our sisters and describes the ideal of religious community life - for which, with the grace of God, we are always striving.  It could also be applied to other forms of community such as the family or the parish:

"We are trees in the forest and are many different species providing foliage, flowers and seeds in abundance.

We have grown together from young saplings to mature trees, through rain and storm, sunshine and showers, to provide a beautiful place where many can come to be with God and find rest and peace on their journey through life..  

The leaves that fall in the autumn fertilise the soil below, where young saplings seek space and light in order to flourish.

By our prayer we try to absorb the waste in our environment and in ourselves, and with God's help give out the life sustaining oxygen of grace for a suffocating world."
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